What is a Title Search?

Our property title searches provide valuable information, including:

Names of the property’s current owners

Details of all mortgages / charges registered on the title

Red flag Information about any kind of easement, restriction or covenant that might affect a property

Sales history

Estimated Current Market Value

Previous Planning applications

Property type

What is a Title Search?

A property Title Search is a documentation search carried out in the Land Registry or the Registry of Deeds depending on whether the property is registered or unregistered land.  A property title search will identify the legal records recorded or registered for the property searched.  This information will allow you to verify the current legal owner(s) of the property.  A Title record or deed will also provide additional legal information about the property or piece of land searched.

Carrying out a Title Search is a useful way to establish if there are any potential issues with the property such as restrictions, rights of way, judgments or other interests over the property which may affect the use and enjoyment of the property.

At My Property Check, we say give us the address and we’ll do the rest. We will carry out the searches for you and research all available information for the property including previous planning applications, sales history and an estimate of the current market value.  In this way we can help you make well informed property decisions with confidence. My Property Check is easy to order online, quickly received by email (within 1hour) and easy to understand.  My Property Check highlights the crucial information in plain language so you don’t have to read through legal text which can be difficult to understand.

Why you need a Title Search?

There are several times when you may need to conduct a title search such as, buying or selling a property, renting, proving ownership, avoiding fraudulent property transactions and for peace of mind.

The main purpose of conducting a title search is to verify the owners of the land and property are the same as those who claim to be. Once you have My Property Check you can be confident that you have all the up-to-date information you need about the property or piece of land.

A Title Search will also reveal if there are any red flags affecting the property such as easements, covenants, caveats or mortgages on the property which may affect your plans for the property or piece of land. It makes since to obtain this information before you make any big decisions.

Read on to find out more about what My Property Check title searches can reveal and why these are important checks to make.

Owners of the property

A title search will show who the current owners of the property are and whether they are a sole owner, multiple individuals or a company. It will also show how the property is owned, do the owners own the property as joint owners or as tenants-in-common (own a specified share of the property only). It is important to confirm the identity of the owners on the Title records if purchasing a property so that you know the people selling it are legally entitled to do so.

Mortgages on the property

Your My Property Check report will show if there is a mortgage on the property. In most circumstances this will be  in favour of a bank or financial institution. It will show the date the mortgage was created and registered and whether it has been sold to any other party. If you are purchasing a property, it is important to confirm that the seller discharges the mortgage before settlement so that the property is free from any encumbrances.


An easement is a right given to another person (who does not own the property), to use the property for a specific purpose. For example, your property might include a service easement that allows council workers to access an electrical pole in your backgarden. A right of way easement could allow your neighbour to cross your land to gain access to a road, or allow service workers to cross your land to access water or electricity. Easements can restrict your use of the land and prevent you from making changes to certain areas of your property. It’s important to be aware of any easements before you buy, sell or renovate.


Covenants are agreements and/or restrictions on the land or property and can be positive or negative. Covenants can be positive (requiring the property owner to do something) or negative (restricting the owner from doing certain things). An example of this can be as simple as what materials can be used to build & colours that can be used on the external of the property to retain the quality, look and feel of a building or neighbourhood. Breaching a covenant can have serious consequences so it is necessary to be aware of any covenants on your property.


A caveat is a notice that someone else has an interest in the property, other than the current owners or the mortgagee. A caveat serves as a warning that there may be unresolved issues in relation to the property or if there is money owed on the property. For example, if a builder has completed works on a property but is awaiting payment they may lodge a caveat on the title.

Our Approach

We believe My Property Check can help everyone access and understand legal property titles in Ireland. There are many reasons you may need it. Perhaps you might want to check your title was properly registered or you might be buying your first home. Whatever the reason, My Property Check can help.

We are laser focused on providing the best possible support to you and do so by acting with accuracy in every search.

How It Works

Search a Property

Simply complete the short order form by providing the property address / eircode and property owner if known.


Searches Done

Our experienced law searchers will quickly complete the property searches covering all areas.

Report Emailed

Receive and review your My Property Check report by email.

My Property Check

The most up-to-date information on property in Ireland in a single report.
